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ocean deep

美 [ˈoʊʃn diːp]英 [ˈəʊʃn diːp]
  • n.深海;海渊
ocean deepocean deep
  1. Analysis of axial load influence on mechanics characteristic of ocean deep water drilling riser


  2. Similarly to Europa , it likely contains an ocean deep under the ice .


  3. Main ingredients : Vitamin , hyaluronic acid , ocean deep water , algae , aloe essence and etc.


  4. Control Rights of the Ocean 's Deep Space & The Exploration of Energy Resources in the Ocean 's Deep Space


  5. My heart is like the ocean , deep with the natural mystery of affectionate dreams .


  6. In the ocean , deep down , Under raging waves , wrapped in memories .


  7. Flowers are red , grass is green , I told you it was a sincere ; the sky is blue , the ocean is deep , no you never do .


  8. The ocean left a deep impression on Bing Xin .


  9. Scientific ocean drilling and deep biosphere


  10. Along with the development of ocean exploitation to deep water , platform structural safety problems have been drawing more and more concerns from related industries .


  11. There wouldn 't even be a cool whirlpool at the surface-the opening is too small and the ocean is too deep .


  12. In the open ocean above the deep sea bed , the vertical structure of the water mass is characterized by the presence of one of more thermoclines .


  13. Of particular interest for the searchers will be the so-called black box flight and data recorders , but the ocean is very deep at the remote location .


  14. The cyclonic stress on the sea surface and the strong mixing processes forced by the typhoon play an important role in the processes of the heat , energy and mass exchange between the upper ocean and the deep ocean .


  15. With the development of ocean exploration toward the deep water , marine environment is becoming worse , and the nonlinear effect of waves is more significant .


  16. They can be used to explore for minerals on the ocean floor or in deep areas of mines too dangerous for humans to enter .


  17. With the resource scarcity on land and the enhancement of the knowledge about the Ocean , the international deep ocean will become the important strategic target gradually .


  18. An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit , drawing the particle first towards the advancing wave


  19. " Declined pipe-riser " structure is usually installed on ocean platform especially in deep water , which will lead to severe slug flow easily and impact the production .


  20. NOAA 's ship and its robotic sub-explore the ocean thousands of feet deep , garnering about 50000 visits a day to the live stream .


  21. Last year , Cameron , 58 , became the first-ever solo explorer to touch the bottom of the Pacific Ocean at the Challenger deep in the Mariana Trench , the deepest surface on earth .


  22. Along with the ocean resources exploited the ocean investigation , deep ocean exploration had become more connected with refrigeration techniques .


  23. The motion trend and laws of the heavy compensation system in real ocean environments were simulated by computer according to the Design of the Trail of Ocean Mining in 1000m Deep , and the available range of device working is draw out through the results of simulation .
